Crisis counselling
Individual counselling
Relationship counselling
Addictions counselling
Sliding Scale Available
2S/LGBTQ+ Affirming
Trans Affirming
LGBQ+ Affirming
Remote services
Prospect Counselling + Training is a POC-led counselling practice dedicated to providing accessible and exceptional counselling to SDQTBIPOC+ communities while disrupting the capitalist values currently upholding standard clinical training programs. Rather than building wealth for practice owners, proceeds from services provided support further training, thereby enhancing the services you receive, while funding projects for collective healing within the community.
All services are provided remotely by phone or video. We offer anti-oppressive, intersectional, abolitionist individual and relationship counselling to BIPOC and mixed race folx. Counselling services range from $25-80 per 50 minute session. You can visit our website for more information: and/or contact us if you have any questions:
Please note that counselling services are provided by counselling students, who may have varying degrees of experience working with 2S/LGBTQ+ clients. While Prospect Counselling operates with an anti-oppressive framework, individual students may have varying levels of experience. Please contact directly for more information about a particular provider's experience.
Want to learn more about this service’s work with Two-Spirit, trans, LGBQ+ people?
We invite all service providers listed on MindMapBC to answer the following questions. These questions were developed in collaboration with community members, researchers, and mental health and other service providers. They're intended to help us understand what a service provider or organization is doing to affirm and support sexual and gender diverse service users.
See below for responses for this listing.
Want to learn more about our screening questions and filters?
Are the forms used in your practice inclusive of various sexual orientations and gender identities (e.g., opportunities to fill in pronouns, etc.)?
Our forms ask folx to share pronouns and names that they use/prefer.
Do you collect and use preferred names (rather than legal names) for all communications?
—Yes, to some extent
In some instances, folx require receipts using their legal name. So we provide those as requested. Otherwise, all other communication is using preferred names and pronouns.
Do you and your colleagues have experience providing services that support clients with navigating gender dysphoria*? *TransCareBC describes gender dysphoria as a term "intended to describe the distress some trans people experience with relation to their gender identity, particularly if they would like to transition but have not yet done so".
—Not applicable (please explain why this is not applicable)
One supervisor has experience; however, since the counselling will be provided by practicum students, the students generally won't have this experience.
Please tell us how equipped you feel to support a client in determining if/when their mental health symptoms are related to their gender-related experiences or other factors? Please describe your response choice below.
—Somewhat confident
At Prospect, we are providing detailed training and supervision to all our counselling students on anti-oppressive framework where we examine how mental health struggles are connected to the systems folx navigate including, patriarchy and cisnormativity. I would rate this more than somewhat confident but struggle to name it as very confident (just a personal thing where I feel I don't want to create a sense of safety for folx as being very confident on this and that can't be guaranteed).
Do you/your colleagues understand the difference between gender dysphoria and mental health conditions/symptoms that are unrelated to gender dysphoria or distress?
—Yes, to some extent
Both supervisors have a strong understanding; however, similar to the above comment, we can't guarantee that all students providing counselling students will have a strong understanding. As part of our training and supervision process, this is something we specifically explore and support students to learn and grow, but I am weary of saying that will be guaranteed by saying a 'yes'.
Do you and your colleagues have experience working with people who identify as living with a disability or chronic illness? Please tell us more about your experience and any training you have received.
—Yes, to some extent
Similar to above comment.
Are you and your colleagues comfortable asking relevant questions about gender identity and sexual orientation?
—Yes, to some extent
Similar to above comment.
Do you offer Indigenous 2S/LGBTQ+ specific resources, for example Indigenous Elders or Knowledge Keepers?
Some of our community trainers who are providing training to the students are indigenous with lived experiences of the topics they speak about. We are also using training material created/written by Indigenous scholars throughout the training process for our students. We are not able to provide any services to the community that is led by the Indigenous community at this time.
Do you and your colleagues ask clients about pronouns and use them appropriately?
This is a practice embedded in ways we connect with each other as a team and with clients.
Are you and your colleagues aware of what specific barriers may exist for Two-Spirit, queer, or trans Indigenous individuals accessing your services?
—Yes, to some extent
These services are geared towards racialised communities, including Indigenous folx (and specifically Two-Spirit, queer or trans Indigenous folx); however, we realise that there is a lot to learn and we will not know everything we need to know to remove all barriers. We are aware that we have more work to do as well including but not limited to ensuring we have more folx with lived experiences in relation to those providing counselling services, training, and supervision.
Are you and your colleagues aware of what specific barriers may exist for LGBQ individuals accessing your services?
—Yes, to some extent
Similar to above, we realise that we need more LGBQ+ folx in our organisation as well. We do have some representation but more is preferred.
Are you and your colleagues aware of what specific barriers may exist for trans individuals accessing your services?
—Yes, to some extent
Similar to above; however, we don't have anyone identifying as trans in our organisation. We do have folx who are non-binary. Again, I feel like we need more folx within the organisation.
Does your practice have gender-neutral washrooms?
—Not applicable (please explain why this is not applicable)
We work and provide services remotely.
Are there clear anti-discrimination policies that include gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation in your organization or practice?
—Yes, to some extent
All of our students and community trainers/supervisors are part of prospect due to their desire to create a more liberatory space for all including around gender and sexuality. We are in the process of finalising policies in general as we are newer though.
Are all individuals involved in service provision actively engaged in decolonizing their practices and/or organization? If yes, please type below what actions you and/or your organization are taking.
We are engaging in training provided by Indigenous people and engaging in materials created by Indigenous folx. Since we are new, we don't have a lot of funds; however, we hope to continue to grow and be able to take proceeds and support Indigenous organising efforts and mutual aid efforts. We are also looking at how we can take the learnings we are receiving from our trainings not only to shift how we engage in our work together but also our personal relationships.
Are all individuals involved in service provision actively engaged in anti-racist practices, policies, and systems in their care model?
Similar to above.
Last updated: October 3, 2023
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