Wellness North
Peer Support
Individual counselling
Support groups
Information and referrals
Relationship counselling
Sliding Scale Available
2S/LGBTQ+ Affirming
Wheelchair Accessible
Trans Affirming
Two-Spirit Affirming
LGBQ+ Affirming
Online resource
Remote services
We offer counselling services from a trauma informed, inclusive, anti-oppressive lens in multiple langauages. Counselling services for Children, ndividuals, Couples and Families. Get support for ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Anger Management, Work Stress and Relationships. Our BIPOC led team consists of all Master level clinicians - RCC, RSW and RTC. We also have student interns who offer low-cost, sliding scale, free counselling services.
Want to learn more about this service’s work with Two-Spirit, trans, LGBQ+ people?
We invite all service providers listed on MindMapBC to answer the following questions. These questions were developed in collaboration with community members, researchers, and mental health and other service providers. They're intended to help us understand what a service provider or organization is doing to affirm and support sexual and gender diverse service users.
See below for responses for this listing.
Want to learn more about our screening questions and filters?
Are the forms used in your practice inclusive of various sexual orientations and gender identities (e.g., opportunities to fill in pronouns, etc.)?
Our practitioners welcome all genders and offer non-judgemental, safe space to folxs who connect with us.
Do you collect and use preferred names (rather than legal names) for all communications?
Absolutely. In order to be inclusive, we've created this space where preferred names are used.
Do you and your colleagues have experience providing services that support clients with navigating gender dysphoria*?
*TransCareBC describes gender dysphoria as a term "intended to describe the distress some trans people experience with relation to their gender identity, particularly if they would like to transition but have not yet done so".
We've supported many trans clients and are accepting of everyone's personal choices. We believe in autonomy and giving people 'Voice, Choice, Power' in their work with us.
Please tell us how equipped you feel to support a client in determining if/when their mental health symptoms are related to their gender-related experiences or other factors? Please describe your response choice below.
—Very confident
We seek to understand our clients experiences and what is important for them. Many of our clinicians have decades of work experience in working in/with the system and we use person-centered approach so clients can feel empowered and work collaboratively with them to create a therapy model that suits them.
Do you/your colleagues understand the difference between gender dysphoria and mental health conditions/symptoms that are unrelated to gender dysphoria or distress?
Do you and your colleagues have experience working with people who identify as living with a disability or chronic illness? Please tell us more about your experience and any training you have received.
Many of our clinicians have their own lived experiences that they bring to the table as well as we host in-house trainings, continue with consults and supportive conversations around challenging cases. While working with us, clients get to benefit from expertise of various practitioners but in a way that makes sense for them. Within our practice, we share useful resources with the clients and amongst team members.
Are you and your colleagues aware of what specific barriers may exist for Two-Spirit, queer, or trans Indigenous individuals accessing your services?
To be inclusive, we offer sliding scale and low cost counselling services.
Are you and your colleagues aware of what specific barriers may exist for LGBQ individuals accessing your services?
Additional trainings have been received by our team from various social agencies, schools and in-house to acknowledge the experience of people we support. We are aware of our implicit biases, talk about them, embrace who we are as settlers and work on creating non-judgemental space for healing.
Are you and your colleagues comfortable asking relevant questions about gender identity and sexual orientation?
We do so in a very respectful way and never push client to share something they are not comfortable disclosing. We follow ethical guidelines of BCACC, College of social workers, ACCT and CCPA.
Do you offer Indigenous 2S/LGBTQ+ specific resources, for example Indigenous Elders or Knowledge Keepers?
FNHA approved team and have cultural training.
Do you and your colleagues ask clients about pronouns and use them appropriately?
Are you and your colleagues aware of what specific barriers may exist for trans individuals accessing your services?
Does your practice have gender-neutral washrooms?
Are there clear anti-discrimination policies that include gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation in your organization or practice?
Our policy manuals are shared with practitioners which outline our practice stance.
Are all individuals involved in service provision actively engaged in decolonizing their practices and/or organization? If yes, please type below what actions you and/or your organization are taking.
Additional trainings, Land acknowledgements, Internal discussion and conversation, Learnings within the organizations.
Are all individuals involved in service provision actively engaged in anti-racist practices, policies, and systems in their care model?
2300 2850 Shaughnessy St
Port Coquitlam, BC
Last updated: February 27, 2023
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